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Căutăm un full-stack developer. Aplică acum!
Scris pe 24 September, 2016
3 min timp de citire

Web design – Guide and basic rules


What is web design?

Web design is a conceptualization process, planning and building of electronic files that determines the layout, colors, text shape, structure, graphic, images and utilizing of some interactive characteristics that delivers pages to your visitors.

Some things you should establish before starting to build your site:

  • The objective: attracting customers, advertising products, interacting with existing clients. Create websites by taking into account these objectives.
  • Do not create a visual mess on the page! In order that the visitors understand what is the most important: the message.
  • Be careful that the text is short and well pointed so it is easier to digest by the visitors
  • Create visual content that sends the wanted feeling
  • Simplicity: Content with a simple and clean look
  • Always make sure the users find what they are looking for, to have all the information on a single click or scroll (+ the loading speed of the page)

Methods to consider:

Think of some words the users would use to find your web pages and make sure your website contains those words

Try to use more text than images to signal the content, name or links better

Consider the fact that not all users have the patience to scroll-down the page, so place the most important information higher on the page so the viewer observes them immediately


Web design guide – to follow:

Clean typography

  1. Use a font with size between 15 and 15 pixels body text
  2. Use higher fonts for titles
  3. Use line spacing between 120 and 150% from the font size
  4. 45 to 90 characters per line
  5. Use pretty simple fonts, depending on the website’s theme
  6. Pick a font that reflects the desired aspect for your website
  7. Use only one font

Using the colors correctly

  1. Use a single base color
  2. Use a tool if you want to use more colors
  3. Use the color that attracts attention
  4. Pick colors according to what they express



Using images (effects)

  1. Place text directly on the edge
  2. Overlay to image
  3. Place the text in a box
  4. Blur the image

All these will lead to a better understating of the text and the message. By making the reading and visualizing the text easier.


  1. Use icons to represent the characteristics
  2. Use icons for different actions and links
  3. The icons should be representatives
  4. Label the icons
  5. Icons shouldn’t occupy the central position
  6. Use icon style fonts


Spacing and layout

  1. Add an empty space between the elements in the page
  2. Add empty spaces between the site sections
  3. Define where you want the attention of the viewers to be drawn
  4. Establish a flow that corresponds to the content of your message
  5. Use the empty space to create that flow


These are the rules you should follow to create professional websites to successfully deliver the right product and, firstly, to attract visitors on your page.


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