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Scris pe 29 March, 2017
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Web Design around the world: interesting statistics about web design domain

Web design has developed so much in the last few years, that it became a great research topic. Today we reveal a few interesting statistics about this field. These statistics not only bring you to update, but they can show you the importance of this field and the tricks that can make the difference in this area.

We can see what the experts should know in order to achive success in web design and what are the most important things that the clients should know.

For instance, as a user, almost everybody applies the 3 seconds rule. A user will wait for 3 seconds for a page to load. If that 3 seconds pass, did you know that 40% of the user give up?

The speed principle is not the only one that rules on line. Let’ s reveal some more statistics about this field.

Here are 3 truths about Web Design

Did you know that over 75% of the visiters judge a web design firme , when it comes to credibillity, by the way their web site looks?

Did you know that over 80% of the users search the product/ service on line, before they buy it? This also applies in B2B field. 85% of the people will do their research before they say yes to an offer.

Did you know that in 90% of cases, the first impression is inffuenced by the design?


Also, an extremly valuable information in the on line field is in the product/ service web page. According to KOMarketing, a B2B agency known at a global level, over 86% of the users click on your services page, as soon as they get on your HOME page.

At the same time, over 60% of the visitors are interested about the contact page, once they opened your web site. So, be very carefful about the visibility of your contact and services pages.

Some other interesting informations about the users behaviour you can read here.

How many users actually see your content?

Did you know that out of all the visitors on your website, almost 70% of them rather scan your content, than read it?

Another interesting thing is the fact that 69% of the time spent on line, we see the left side of the screen.


Web design in smartphones battle.

The first thing that should concern you when you build your website, is it’s optimization for the mobile phone. Lately, most on line users do their research from their smartphone. There are about 2 billion smartphones conected to the internet all over the world, and 25% of them are used to search for information on line.


Also you have to consider the way you lay out your content. You must know, for instance, that 70% of the users read the lists with bullets, while only 55% actually read the content no matter the separation elements.

The content is still the king, but the queen is always the readability. The way you prezent your content and make it vizible is more important than what you write.

You have maximum 10 seconds to show the user what your website can offer and what your company does. Most consumers don’t spend more than 10-20 seconds on your website if they are not interested in what you have to offer.


Here are a few more statistics about the evolution of web design and about the way your website should look like, for it to be successful! You can find it here. Or you can read another similar articole written by Baboon experts. You can find the articole here.


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