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Căutăm un full-stack developer. Aplică acum!
Scris pe 23 March, 2017
4 min timp de citire

Online Sales: Three efficient ways to promote an online store

When we talk about promoting an online shop, the variants are numerous. The online marketing mixes perfectly with the online sales, this is why there are techniques of promoting sundries. Which ones of them are the most efficient? This is what we are going to discuss today.

Objectives for promoting an online shop

   An online store itself represents a website too, so that the techniques of promotion should be generally applicable. Though, by observing a rigurous analysis over the strategies of promotion applied by the “giants” from E-commerce, we can see that it’s not what it seems.

In online shops case, the promotion differs and this fact is justified, in most of the cases, by the difference of the set objective for the promotion campaign. For a presentation website, the image can be crucial. The promotion is most often focused on the image’s upgrading, on notoriety. In an online shop’s case, the aim of promotion is clear: the sale.

So, let’s find out together three efficient ways to promote an online store.

Google Adwords – among the most efficient solutions to promote an online store 

We believe that Google Adwords is the most widely used tool and has the biggest impact to promote an online store from a simple perspective: it’s the most measurable tool for promoting online.

It is also a tool focused very much on conversion, being a PPC channel. Inside of Adwords campaigns, the most followed purpose is converting the visitor into a customer. Using the statistics given by Google MasterTools, we can analyze exactly the efficiency that an Adwords announcement had, being able to adjust the strategy in real time. Therefore, we consider this path as being the most efficient, because we can act directly on the results by optimizing the strategy and the creative elements from the campaign in real time.

For more details about this promotion method, you can read this article written by the Baboons specialists.

The affiliated marketing-an indirect way of promoting efficiently an online shop

The affiliated marketing is an extremely efficient technique for promoting an online shop, but rarely used in Romania. We believe it’s efficient because of an extremely simple reason: it’s a way of gaining passive income.

A simple explanation of the process: the affiliation process implies that you, as the owner of your online shop, to give up to a sum of money which will return as commission of another site which will sell your products.

The intermediate does the entire promotion work, you receive the money. He gets a commission from every  accomplished command and everyone is happy. The bigger the order, the more motivated the intermediate will be to promote you, and you’ll have bigger sales.

This is a mechanism which works almost by itself. It’s all about products descriptions. Of course there exist whole platforms to regulate the process. The most famous in Romania are:2Performant and ProfitShare.

You’ll find more details about this promotion channel and about how it works here.

SEO Copywriting-a widely used way of promoting the online shops

Here we like to keep everything simple. It’s about the products descriptions. When the laziness is too big, the successful online shops know that the SEO descriptions still represent an important source of traffic and sales.

 There exist only a few online shops which focus on these descriptions, but the products description influences the big purchases, being as appreciated as the reviews.

SEO positions higher, and the higher positioning brings more traffic and, indirectly, lower sales. Also, the emphasis is put on information, on quality, not only on the quantity. The shops which offer explicit descriptions, useful information to the reader, will be appreciated and all these appreciations will become money.

Don’t forget that the online promotion can be made through Social Media too. This is not a bonus, but an incredibly efficient and widely used channel. You can profit by its utility even gratis, sometimes.

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