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Scris pe 5 April, 2017
4 min timp de citire

Part one: Introduction to Content Writing

Introduction to Content Writing

Nowadays there are a lot of ways of expressing a message and also extensive methods of interpretation. In the communication theory the message is almost everything, any sign that can be interpreted and which may be answered to is a message and this can be transmitted to the communicator through hundreds of methods. However, since ancient times, WRITING was the most simple and used way of communication.

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Theoretically, we can communicate through writing with any person, writing being one of the first skills a human being learns, after the speech.

Anyone can write, but there are many ways to express thoughts and feelings through writing as there are many ways through which we can build a message in writing.


Information and misinformation

We can give certain tonality to a message, we can build up a text to express certain messages and to inform on certain issues or we can just express freely what we think, thus building texts with a strong personal character. We can impose words to express strictly what we want or we can systematically build a message that can face the reader with an exciting and unique experience, giving him freedom of choice on how he wishes to interpret what he read.

Through writing we can inform (texts with a strong news character, blog articles, presentation texts etc.), we can misinform and manipulate the reader (not ethical at all and totally disagreeable – gossip texts, but we also can perform this action with any text, the only limit being the text’s purpose), we can persuade and convince the reader to act in a certain way (advertising texts), we can let the reader fly on the highest peaks of imagination (literary and entertainment texts) or we can limit the reader to some concepts and rules on which we compel him to obey (legal texts).

So, there is a vast majority of writing styles as well as a vast majority of texts that can be included in these styles. Still, most of the times, we will notice two large categories of specialty texts in both online environment and printed materials, excepting the literary works that are included in a totally different writing style, the fictional style.


In this and in the following article we will address one of the great basic styles used in creating written messages, namely CONTENT WRITING, a very different way of approaching texts when compared to COPYWRITING, which will be discussed in a future article.

In specialty literature these two terms separate two great styles of editing and printing the text in two totally opposite directions, depending on the style.

Content Writing

Content Writing is that way of wording a text that wants to print a strong informational character on the text written and presented to the reader. The central element of Content Writing is WORD RELEVANCE, its purpose being a final text that is relevant to the central point, which is very useful in informing the reader and a perfectly worded text in terms of language rules and professional slang the certain text wants to be part of.

Content Writing is perfectly revealed by the presentation site text. Each and every presentation website of a company is niched and addressed to a certain target so the one that will be writing the text for this website will have to take into account the field of activity of the company, the representative keywords for that field and for the company’s services and technical details imposed by that field.

Likewise, blog and forum articles (the informative ones) will represent in majority good examples for this niche of Content Writing.

There are certain RULES that a content writer will have to respect and use as the reference point when he’ll write such an article or a presentation text for a website or any other entity, with the desire to fit in the Content Writing area.

See which are the 10 rules you should take into account when writing something in your next article: Content Writing versus Copywriting: Part 2.


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