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Borș Tecuci


1. Context

About the client

Our ancestors kept saying the story of the borș was unique. And it is known to have started from Tecuci, carrying its flavor all over the world.

The first industrial manufacturer of borș, ABC Tecuci, not only brings its rich history to the table, but also its sour, natural taste. They are one of the few who know the secret of wheat or barley bran that turns into the sturdiest borș of all that have been known. Dedication, time and passion for the traditional wealth of Moldova. That also includes the Tecuci borș -- known in the entire country.

2. Action

What we did?

When the time came for the reputation of ABC Tecuci to be known in the online environment, the choice was simple: a presentation website that would bear the passion of the people who carry on the story of the fiercest Romanian borș.

Airy, with a tradition-inspired design and a distinctive voice, the site has brought life to a community that would not have crystallized offline. We believe that it is possible for tradition and technology to take the same path. And this is our example of success, in terms of this antagonism.

The secret? We listened carefully to the people behind the project and we let ourselves inspired by their passion.

3. Rezult

The effects


Website traffic


More sales


Returning customers

Increase of distribution offers throughout the country, but also of online notoriousness. We continued working together in the field of online promotion, where we are raising, day by day, a community passionate about culinary recipes and traditions.

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