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Căutăm un full-stack developer. Aplică acum!
Scris pe 9 March, 2017
3 min timp de citire

5 Frameworks useful for your website



In web design, a framework represents a real or conceptual structure that serves as a support or guide in building a full responsive website, adapted to any device.

5 Frameworks useful for a responsive design

  1. CSS

  • This is the key element for the look of your site. At the moment, HTML is not the only one used in creating websites, but every site needs the CSS library so the design of it to be digestible and nice.
  • MediaQueries – it is a CSS 3 module used for the responsive design (rendering of the content and adapting it to different screen resolutions.)
  1. Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap 3 is the current version
  • The most popular framework used by the Front-End developers to create fast and functional websites, web-design concepts and responsive designs on a mobile platform.
  • Knowing Bootstrap involves using CSS as well (advanced CSS knowledge)
  • CSS issues in Bootstrap – can be used to create grid systems, buttons, manipulating images, creating responsive design and many other possibilities that are necessary in modern web design.
  1. Foundation

  • One of the most used frameworks at the moment
  • This responsive framework offers rapid design solutions for those who want to create websites, web applications, email templates, without needing to invest money to hire a professional developer.
  • The Foundation framework is easy to learn, and with the help of online tutorials, you will be able to become an expert in Foundation and responsive design in a couple of weeks.


  1. Responsive Grid System

  • With the help of Responsive Grid System you can easily create grid responsive templates that can be modified depending on your preferences
  • In order to make the process easier, you can use the Grid Generator
  1. Modest Grid

Sometimes, the only thing we needed to create a full responsive site is a simple and easy to use template, in order to give the project a shape, and this is Modest Grid

It offers the users a grid that is easy to use and understand, which will work perfectly in modern devices

The framework is in a continuous developing process, but slow, so the improvements will appear at the same time with those of CSS.


How do you choose the right framework?

Thanks to the rapid development of CSS, it’s difficult to stay tuned to the latest trends. The CSS frameworks can be split in different categories such as: typography, CSS reset, responsive grids and UI elements (User Interface).

CSS frameworks also help to solving cross-browser and cross-device compatibly problems, assuring both good functionality and responsive design of the website (the optimal operation of it on any device)


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